艺术硕士(MAT) -教学

Program overview


This program integrates a Master of Arts in Teaching with the Washington Residency Teacher Certificate in a part-time, 为在职专业人士和/或转行人士设计的为期两年的课程. Develop the skills to be an equitable and inclusive professional teacher in this cohort-based program.

准备好推进你的事业? 了解为什么各学区一直在寻找spu毕业的教师.

Program Overview


网易彩票下载成立于125年前, and the University has been preparing some of the most sought-after educators in the region for more than 90 years. 今天,进入教育学院的研究生课程竞争非常激烈. Faculty members – each teaching his or her own courses and each holding a doctorate – have worked to develop rigorous programs of quality.

网易彩票下载教育学院提供十多个研究生项目. 你可以从三个博士项目中选择, 7个硕士学位项目, 还有五个认证项目, 所有这些都集中在能力的发展上, character, leadership, 以及教育工作者的服务. 而许多学生接受培训成为教师, 其他人则准备担任学校辅导员, principals, superintendents, 民政事务处人员, 或者是高等教育的教授. SPU在华盛顿和全国的P-12教育中享有很高的声誉, and students who complete our graduate degree and certificate programs enjoy a higher rate of employment than the state's average.


School districts have long sought after SPU-educated teachers for both their competence and character. 许多毕业生在教育领域开辟了新的道路, 甚至还获得了华盛顿州的年度教师奖, 这项荣誉每年只授予一位杰出的华盛顿教师. The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program was created to integrate teacher certification with a master's degree in a two-year program for working professionals. Among other benefits, 该项目的毕业生将获得华盛顿实习教师证书, 获得更高的薪水, 并有能力指导各种背景和能力的学生取得卓越成就. In addition, SPU的教育学院提供一年制的替代路线教学项目, 包括AMAT和AMTMS.

  1. Accomplished Faculty

    专家,有爱心的教师有帮助学生成功的愿望. 教师以在他们的教育项目期间和之后指导他们的学生而闻名. 这些教授通过自己的学术活动为终身学习树立了榜样, publishing frequently, 并在专业会议上发表演讲.

  2. AACU Membership

    Seattle Pacific is a member of the Association of American Colleges and Universities and of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. SPU certification programs are approved by the Washington state Professional Educator Standards Board. The School of Education is also a member of the Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education, and has a chapter, Sigma Phi Upsilon, of Chi Sigma Iota, 一个国际荣誉协会,重视学术和专业卓越的咨询.

  3. 深刻的性格强调

    建立在品格教育的基础上, the graduate programs at SPU offer first-class education through the lens of Christian faith and values. 学生选修道德课程,品格问题贯穿整个课程.

  4. Flexible Format

    同时获得教师资格证和硕士学位! 专为专业人士设计, MAT项目中的大多数课程在下午晚些时候和晚上提供. 该项目包括40小时的春季实地体验, 20小时的秋季实地体验, and a full-time, 二年级冬季学期70天有指导的实习.

  5. Connected Alumni

    School of Education graduates move on to purposeful careers in schools and distict-level leadership throughout the country. 当你从SPU教育学院获得研究生学位时, 你加入了一个校友社区,他们保持着联系.


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Completion of the program fulfills requirements for the Master of Arts in Teaching degree and Washington state 实习教师资格证. 完成认证要求后, the Certification Office in the School of Education at SPU recommends candidates for teacher licensure to the 公共教育监督办公室. Completion of five additional graduate-level classes throughout the program fulfills requirements for the Master of Arts in Teaching.


课程包括在线授课和面对面授课. 亲自上课的班级每周有一个晚上,一般是在下午5:00-7:35


MAT计划的认证部分是50-58学分,取决于背书领域. 大约四分之一的学分分配给70天(14周)的实习. 完成认证课程, 实习要求, and passing program assessments qualifies candidates for a Washington Residency Teacher Certificate. 该证书使候选人能够在华盛顿州的公立和私立学校任教.


  • Demonstrating 有效的教学实践
  • Centering 对学生成绩寄予厚望的指导
  • 识别和回应 以个别学生的学习需要
  • Providing 明确和有意地关注主题内容和课程
  • 培养和管理 一个安全、积极的学习环境
  • Using 多个学生数据元素,以修改教学和提高学生的学习
  • 沟通与协作 与家长和学校社区沟通
  • Exhibiting 合作和合议的实践侧重于改善教学和学习

NOTE: Tuition rates for the certification portion of the program and the master's component of the program are differentiated. 而认证课程则以较低的价格提供, students across all master's programs take the master's component classes at the regular graduate tuition rate. 


课程从秋季开始,包括学习理论的在线和校内课程, 一般教学方法, education reform, 教育技术. 课程作业因背书领域而异,以提供学科特定的重点.

实习开始于第二年的冬季中期. 候选人在学校环境中与导师教师和大学实地主管配对. Internship is 70 days, 或14周(70天的要求不包括冬至中旬或春假). 候选人在实习期间继续完成课程. Additional field-based work includes a 40-hour spring field experience in the first year of the program and 20小时的秋季实地体验 beginning the second year of the program.

实习生与导师在实习期间采用合作教学模式, 规划的责任, instruction, management, 评估是共享的. 候选人开始实习,重点观察和进步到独立教学. Across internship, 候选人完成旨在最大化现场经验的作业, 比如投资组合反思, lesson plans, 项目评估. Internship concludes with candidates returning control of classroom responsibilities to their mentor teachers.


Candidates earn the MAT degree by completing additional graduate-level courses, totaling 3-6 credits. MAT学位所要求的课程不需要认证. However, 大多数候选人在获得证书的同时完成了学位要求,以增加他们的薪水. Candidates may delay completion of degree requirements for five years following the quarter of admission, 只要保持积极的注册状态,每四个季度完成一节课.

Students admitted to the MAT program with an advanced degree may qualify for a waiver of up to 6 credits and a reduction in internship credits, 从而降低了项目的总成本.

Course sequence

Candidates receive a specific course sequence, depending on endorsement, as they begin the program. 下面显示了basic Certification的示例序列. 

Year One

EDU 6100 公平教学概论(三)
EDU 6150 策划、指导和支持学生I (3)
EDRD 6529 学习阅读:早期阅读教学实践(3)
EDU 6350 基础社会研究方法(3)
EDSC 6250 基础科学方法(3)
EDU 6133 多元学习者的文化持续性教学(3)
EDRD 6539 深化阅读:意义建构的教学实践(三)
EDU 6989 春季学校观摩体验(3)

Year Two

EDMA 6431 小学教师的数学内容与过程(三)
EDU 6140 课堂管理与学习者心理1 (2)
EDU 6944 专业学习网络(1)
EDMA 6432 小学教师的数学方法(三)
EDU 6141 课堂管理与学习者心理(2)
EDU 6942 秋季学校观摩体验(二)
EDU 6944 专业学习网络(1)
EDU 6139 专业问题实习讲座(2)
EDU 6944 专业学习网络(1)
EDU 6949 学生教学实习(5)
EDU 6139 专业问题实习讲座(2)
EDU 6944 专业学习网络(1)
EDU 6949 学生教学实习(6)
第一年还是第二年. 见时间安排的可用性.
EDU 6085 教育中的道德与神学问题(3)
EDSP 6644 培养优秀学生(3)
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Nalline Baliram


Email: baliramn@rededoartesanato.com
Phone: 206-281-2453
Office: Peterson Hall 410

Scott Beers


Email: sbeers@rededoartesanato.com
Phone: 206-281-2707
Office: Peterson Hall 409

Daniel Bishop

Assistant Professor; Chair of Teacher Leadership

Email: bishod@rededoartesanato.com
Phone: 206-281-2593
Office: Peterson Hall 313

David W. Denton

Associate Professor

Email: dentod@rededoartesanato.com
Phone: 206-281-2504
Office: Peterson Hall 317

Kristine Gritter

Professor, Curriculum and Instruction; Director of Doctoral Programs

Email: grittk@rededoartesanato.com
Phone: 206-281-2323
Office: Peterson Hall 309

Jill Heiney-Smith

Director of Graduate Teacher Education; Assistant Professor of Teacher Education

Email: heineysmithj@rededoartesanato.com
Phone: 206-281-2372
Office: Peterson Hall 311

Robin Henrikson

Associate Professor; Director of Assessment

Email: henrir@rededoartesanato.com
Phone: 206-281-2186
Office: Peterson Hall 405

Emily Huff


Email: huffe@rededoartesanato.com
Phone: 206-281-2375
Office: Peterson Hall 318

Krystle Jalalian-Chursky

Assistant Professor, Special Education; Director of Undergraduate Teacher Education

Email: jalaliank@rededoartesanato.com
Phone: 206-281-2365
Office: Peterson Hall 313

Kirsten Koetje


Jorge Preciado

Professor of Education; Chair of Special Education

Email: preciadoj@rededoartesanato.com
Phone: 206-281-2794
Office: Peterson Hall 406

Pete Renn

Associate 课程教授 and Instruction; Assistant Dean

Email: rennp@rededoartesanato.com
Phone: 206-281-2028
Office: Peterson Hall 305

David Wicks

课程教授 & Instruction

Email: dwicks@rededoartesanato.com
Phone: 206-281-2367
Office: Peterson Hall 411

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Continuing Education

满足成人学习者不断变化的需求, 网易彩票下载 offers a wide range of programs and courses to meet the needs of today's professionals. 有竞争力的信贷和项目利率, 这些个人和职业发展机会使终身学习变得非常实惠. 作为华盛顿州教师继续教育学分的最大提供者,SPU的 职业教育中心 关注K-12教育工作者的当前需求.

Courses taken for credit and numbered at the 5000 level are graduate-level courses and are designed primarily with the needs of teachers and other professionals in mind for the purpose of meeting certification, endorsement, 地区支付通道要求和其他专业需求. 在某些情况下,这些研究生水平的课程可能被认为满足选修要求.

Still have questions? Review FAQs.

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per credit

*$670 per credit for core certification coursework; $735 per credit for master's component courses

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application fee


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Financial aid

在申请助学金之前,你必须先被研究生项目录取. Make sure you:
  • 每季度至少注册3个学分(或半天)以获得学位或合格证书.
  • 每年完成并提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA).

你可以利用奖学金和贷款. SPU does not have a deadline for graduate financial aid, though earlier is always better than later! 

Learn more about the FAFSA 以及申请经济援助.

Learn more about 奖学金、助学金和贷款 研究生开放.


Students entering the Master of Arts in Teaching program with an advanced degree may take advantage of a second master's benefit at SPU. 通过请愿程序, students may receive a waiver for 3-6 of the required credits plus a reduction in the number of internship credits required, 取决于所选择的背书区域. MAT项目的费用将减少高达8,000美元,并获得第二硕士的福利.


Find out more about 行政和其他教育学院项目费用.
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申请人必须至少拥有认可的学院或大学的学士学位. 每年春季都会招收新学员,并从夏季学期开始.


申请人必须提交下列资料至 Graduate Admissions:

  • Application and $50 application processing fee.
  • Official transcript documenting bachelor's degree (including official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended).
    • 注:被认为是官方的, 成绩单必须装在学院或大学的密封信封中. 只要成绩单保持原貌,就可以送到研究生招生处, 未开封的大学信封. 通过eSCRIP-SAFE或羊皮纸交换收到的电子成绩单也可以接受.
    • 如果你的学位不是来自美国的学院或大学, 请安排您的成绩单由认可的成绩单评估公司进行评估, such as FIS or WES. 报告是否直接转发到研究生招生处.
  • Personal statement (1–2 pages).
  • Résumé.
  • Two to four letters of recommendation.
  • WEST-B scores, including preferred minimum score of 240 on each subtest (reading, writing, and mathematics).
    • 申请人可以使用SAT的组合, ACT, 和WEST-B成绩达到WEST-B要求(阅读和写作), mathematics). Please contact Graduate Admissions if you have questions.
      • 首选SAT成绩(考试日期从2016年3月5日开始)-数学:27.阅读:27分,写作:28分.
      • 优先要求SAT成绩(考试日期截止到2016年4月3日)-数学:515, Reading: 500, Writing: 490.
      • 首选ACT成绩要求-数学:22, Reading: 22, 写作:8(2016年9月1日开始考试), 或写作:23(2015年1月9日至2016年8月31日考试), 或写作:8分(截止至2015年8月31日) 
  • Passing 国家背书测验.
    • WEST-E或NES必须在项目第一年的5月1日之前通过, 特殊教育方面的背书除外, 必须在项目第二年的9月1日之前通过.
    • Those endorsing in Designated World Languages or Bilingual Education must also pass the oral and writing proficiency ACTFL tests (OPI and WPT)在他们的语言区域.
    • Several NES study guides 可从 SPU library through Mometrix.
  • 核实背书准备情况.
    • 背书是教师准备教授的内容和等级. 专业教育标准委员会(PESB) 提供了SPU提供的所有背书的综合列表.
      • 如果你的专业与你想要的背书不匹配,请联系 核证办事处. 填妥签注验证表格 only after 联络核证办事处. On the form, indicate that you have been in contact with the Certification Office and list your "Approved Plan of Study" if one has been developed.
  • 道德职业品质政策形式 (可在网上申请中找到). 

在截止日期前提交完整文件的申请人将在4月份进行面试筛选. 面试邀请是通过电子邮件发送的. 建议申请人添加 these email addresses 作为联系人,以避免无意中发送到垃圾邮件或垃圾文件夹的信件.

Application deadline



联系研究生招生,电话:800-601-0603或 gradadmissions@rededoartesanato.com.

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这因程序而异. 一些项目的录取,比如 数学和科学教学速成硕士 (AMTMS), 教学艺术加速硕士 (AMAT), and 医学博士在学校辅导, is very competitive. SPU的每个教育研究生课程的录取都是基于标准的, 所有申请者必须符合所有入学标准.


Yes, in most cases. 教育学院提供的大多数研究生学位课程都是兼职课程, 在各种员工友好的场所提供课程. 教育研究生课程安排在SPU或校外, in the evenings, 偶尔在星期六, and during the summer.

The 加速文学硕士教学 (AMAT) and 数学和科学教学速成硕士 (AMTMS)程序是例外. 因为是全职实习,所以是一年制的全日制项目.


教育学院提供几个完全在线的课程,包括 AMAT-OnlineAMTMS-Online数字教育领导, and Teacher Leadership programs. 请查看项目页面了解资格要求.

Is a graduate program at SPU more expensive than comparable education programs at other universities?


How does a graduate degree or graduate certificate from SPU compare with a similar degree or certificate from other universities?

SPU's School of Education has been offering a wide range of fully accredited master's and doctoral degrees in addition to graduate certificates for more than 20 years. SPU在华盛顿和全国的P-12教育中享有很高的声誉, and students who complete our graduate degree and certificate programs enjoy a higher rate of employment than the state's average.

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